Women's Self Defence Tips
Hi and welcome
We made a great women’s self defence workshop with 14 ladies attending.
I put these tips together in the hope that they would serve to make women more aware of the art of self defence.
Please remember that a small amount of care could save you or a loved one from attack. So here are a few tips to get you thinking about yours and your families safety:
¨ Where possible, make sure you have parked your car somewhere in a clear view and not in a remote location.
If anticipating coming back to it after dark, try to park it near a street light, in a busy location or close to supermarket entrance.
¨ Approach your car from an angle so as to see both side of it before you get in.
¨ Always check the interior of your car before you get in.
¨ If you see a situation such as a fight or assault whilst in your car, think carefully before interceding. Ask yourself if you could really help or are you more likely to get injured yourself.
Consider options such as blowing your car horn to distract them, calling the police on you mobile, or yelling out the
window “Leave them alone, I’ve called the police and they are on their way.” Think Safety First.
Walking, whether to or from work, our car, for exercise or anywhere else is often when we are vulnerable to attack. Walking is a great way to stay healthy, so let’s not let the fear of physical attack lead to a heart attack due to lack of exercise.
¨ Try to walk in areas that are not remote; IE. If you want to go for a power walk, is a deserted park at 9pm a good choice?
¨ If you believe you are being followed but are not sure if you are just being paranoid, change side of the road, change pace or change direction to see if the person keeps following.
Remember not to put yourself in a remote or vulnerable place.
¨ If you believe you are being followed, head straight to a seven eleven, a friend’s house or somewhere else you can use to call someone to pick you up or call the police.
When going out with friends, follow a couple of simple safety rules so you cane enjoy your night out.
¨ Don’t ever leave your drink unattended. Be careful of strangers buying you drinks. Be aware of giving someone
opportunity to spike your drink.
¨ Never leave your wingman. You go out together, make sure you get home together. No matter how much fun the night or how cute your dancing partner, NOBODY GETS LEFT BEHIND.
¨ Book a Uber or taxi. By booking a taxi rather than hailing one, there is a record of pick up and drop off. VHA
( chauffeur Driven) are not that much more expensive.
¨ Let someone know where you are going. Who you are going with and when you are expected to be back.
This is what they are paid to do. Do not underestimate your
situation, as the person taking the call will prioritise it.
Be clear and concise giving your name, location and number you are calling from. Stay on the phone if possible and wait for police to arrive.