The Original Family Martial Arts School
Our curriculum is infused with the latest understandings in child psychology and development. This means that your martial arts program isn’t just a martial arts program any more – Its now a child development course exclusive to Bukido Karate
in this area.
We have a comprehensive curriculum for children, divided into 5 groups.
Mini Ninjas (18 months to three years.) Tiny Tigers (Three and four years.)
Tiny Tigers advanced (5 to 6 years.) Ninjas (Seven to nine years.) Dragons (Ten to thirteen years) and Intermediates (Fourteen to seventeen years).
We also have exclusive rights to the world acclaimed Skillz program which has an incredible goal setting curriculum.
Bukido aims to make kids skillful in self defence, healthy and fit while having fun with the professional way we train..
When a child starts with us you should expect to see big improvements in:
We have many students that have stayed training with us for over 20 years.