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Can Martial Arts Really Help?
By providing benefits such as confidence, discipline, respect, self control, leadership and defence; Martial Arts helps both the children who are being bullied and the children who are bullying others.
Hers how:
Bullies pick victims that they think will be easy targets. What then makes an easy target?
A child seams weak, unsure of themselves, or easily scared.
Martial Arts helps stop bulling by building up children’s confidence so that they are able to project an aura of strength and insure that they are not perceived as targets.
Bullies often target kids who are less popular.
So if your child has few friends, this social isolation could put them at a higher risk of being bullied.
Martial arts helps stop bullying by
training these children to be more sociable and helping them make friends more easily.

If we can help in any way, feel free to ring Sensei Grant on 0417546264 or to go to our home page click here >>>